Deposit Policy and Agreement

BEFORE paying your deposit please review the following policies: 

  • Deposits are non-refundable. No exceptions. 

  • Shop minimum is $150. Marisa Rae charges by piece. Final pricing depending on size, concept, style and time is up to her discretion. A higher rate will be charged for coverups. You are welcome to ask for a quote prior. If you have a specific budget, Marisa Rae can only accommodate if she is told during the original email consultation.

  • Prices are subject to change day of if the tattoo ends up taking longer/being larger than originally anticipated. 

  • Deposits are required to reserve a tattoo appointment and will be held until your final tattoo session for the design concept discussed and recorded during your consultation. The deposit amount will depend on the length of the project.

  • 72 hours notice is required for all rescheduled appointments in order for the deposit to be transferred to the newly adjusted time/day. If you change your appointment date, we cannot schedule you sooner than other clients on the cue.

  • If scheduled between November 15 — January 15th: deposits are not transferrable under any circumstances. Please do not schedule an appointment in this two month period if you believe you may have to reschedule.

  • No drawings or drafts are emailed or otherwise previewed to clients before their scheduled appointment time.

  • Client agrees to allow Marisa Rae to design tattoos in her style. If you want specific image, please be as specific as possible in your email consultation to ensure your satisfaction with the final design.

  • Marisa Rae is entitled to decline any project she does not see fit to her style.

  • - Client understands that the artist is bound by federal and state health safety laws; due to COVID-19 and possible need for quarantine, appointment dates are subject to rescheduling if there is a possible covid case or safety concern without deposit refund.

  • Touch ups are offered according to the artist’s pre-existing schedule and cannot be done until the clients tattoo has been fully healed. These touch ups are offered for free within a year of the final appointment date as a courtesy. If the client no-shows, or cancels without 72 hours of notice or exceeds a year from the final tattoo date, touch ups will no longer be offered for free and will be done at the expense of the client.

  • Not showing for your appointment date results in loss of your deposit. If you are over 30 minutes late for your appointment, you will be considered a no show, the appointment is cancelled and your deposit is void. 

  • You are allowed to reschedule once with 72 hours notice before the deposit is considered void. If you reschedule a second time, the deposit is void. In the event of an appointment cancellation without rescheduling, deposit will be void.

  • Marisa Rae is allowed to reschedule any appointment.

  • Price estimates are based on the tattoo concepts established during this initial email consultation form.

  • Any changes to tattoo concepts throughout the design process may increase the cost of the final tattoo. If the tattoo concept is changed from the concept established in the initial consultation, or if the client requests so many changes that the design is dramatically different from the original artist concept, a new deposit will be required.

  • Please understand, the deposit is meant to compensate the artist for the time needed to prepare the artwork on their own time before you arrive for your scheduled appointment. An example of changing the tattoo concept would be to add or remove major elements to the tattoo’s subject matter, or adding specifics not originally outlined in this initial email consultation.

  • If you continue to reschedule or change your concept over two times, 50% of the estimated price will be required as a deposit in order to continue.

  • If you bring materials with expectations to “work from home” to your appointment, you will be asked to reschedule and lose your deposit.

If you have any questions, ask for clarification BEFORE paying deposit. By paying the deposit, we have agreed to these terms. By paying a deposit you are stating you agree and feel comfortable with the deposit policy and would like to continue forward in the tattoo scheduling process.